:4 Botox Treatment In India |Timepass

Wednesday 22 September 2010

Botox Treatment In India

Botox Treatment In India
As soon as creases appear on your skin, the thought of looking old captures your mind. And why not? Your face reflects your mind and heart. Of course, with passing age, wrinkles become visible but they emerge more frequently when you are exposed a lot to the sunlight. Creams and lotions designed to reduce wrinkles have crammed the retail stores, but usually these products work till a certain age and after that you are left with

your same old problem. As we know science has spared no field untouched, it has discovered a treatment for wrinkles too. Yes, you can get rid of those dynamic wrinkles flawing your skin by taking Botox treatment from a facial aesthetic specialist. In India, this treatment is available with certain trained dermatologists and plastic surgeons.
What is Botox Treatment?
Actually, Botox is a commercial term for Botulinum Toxin that is produced by bacteria called Botulinum. In the earlier times, Botox was used to bring back person’s normal voice, and to treat problems like eye twitches, headache and excessive sweating. The westerners were using it from decades for treating such problems, but in the mid 1990’s, Botox was used first-time to treat facial wrinkles and it worked really well.
In this treatment, Botox is injected through a fine needle straight into the muscles or skin which generates wrinkles. It just takes a few minutes without any need of anesthesia to get over with the process.It’s probable that you might experience a little discomfort while being injected. Subsequent to injection, recovery is instant and you can use make-up, and can get back to your work. Sometimes, people experience slight bruising, but that too, improves within some days. Within 24 hours, you can see your wrinkles getting reduced and better in 5 days.
How does it Work?
As and when Botox is injected into muscles, it obstructs the conduction between the nerve endings and muscle fibers just about the injection site to cause weakness of the close by muscle. The muscles which are responsible for such facial expressions are weakened by Botox and thus, dynamic wrinkles are reduced. It considerably improves or at times removes dynamic wrinkles such as horizontal forehead creases, crow’s feet, scowl lines between the eyebrows and vertical wrinkles of upper lip, caused by repetitive facial expressions. Remember that Botox is effective only for wrinkles caused by facial expressions and not for fine wrinkles or which are around your mouth and cheeks.
Cost of Botox Treatment and Longevity
Once taken, the effect of Botox lasts from four to six months though it may vary from person to person. Botox treatment can be taken again when wrinkles reappear, but minimum at a gap of 4 months. This one-time treatment can cost somewhere between Rs 5000 to Rs 8000 and is available only with Govt. approved dermatologists, cosmetologists and facial aesthetic specialists in India.
Risks of Botox
Botox treatment is completely safe and can be taken by anyone whose age falls in 18 to 65. No adverse long-term effects of Botox have been observed so far. However, some short-term problems may arise like headache, temporary eyelid droop, nausea, squint/double vision, facial pain, redness at the injection site and muscle weakness. Pregnant women and people having any problem related to nervous system are not advised to take Botox. It is always recommended to consult your doctor before going for any treatment.


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