:4 How To Do A Natural Face Lift |Timepass

Wednesday 22 September 2010

How To Do A Natural Face Lift

How To Do A Natural Face Lift
When we are born, our skin is supple and soft, totally devoid of wrinkles or aging lines. As we grow, it starts losing its elasticity, though subtly. By the time we approach middle age, wrinkles, laugh lines and crow feet start becoming prominent and we often resort to anti-aging creams and gels, facial treatments, and the like. In

 fact, these days, things like face lift surgeries and botox treatmentsare regarded to be one of the essentials for looking beautiful. Though many people are unaware of it, getting a natural face lift is not only possible, but also much more safe that artificial treatments. In the following lines, we have provided information on exercises and homemade masks that can be used for a natural facial lift.

How To Do A Natural Face Lift
  • Pucker your lips, making sure to leave a small gap. In other words, make a face as if you are just about to whistle. Closing your eyes, continue to force your lips forward. Think as if you are trying to catch hold of something, with your puckered lips. Hold this position for twenty seconds. Follow it with the next exercise.

  • Open you eyes wide, as if you have just been shocked at something, and raise your eyebrows. Now, open your mouth as wide as possible, stretching it to its limit. Remain in the same position for around twenty seconds, while trying to pull every part of your face away from your mouth. Follow with the above exercise. Repeat these two exercises, alternately of course, for 2 minutes.

  • This is an independent exercise. Close your mouth and clench your teeth tightly. Applying force, try to pull down the corners of your lips downwards, towards your chin. All the muscles in your neck should be rigid and standing out. Now, keeping the upper part of your face relaxed, bring the chin muscle upwards. With this, the corners of your mouth will contract towards the centre of your face. Repeat the exercises slowly, four times, and fast, eight times.

Homemade Mask
Vitamin E Mask 
  • Take 1/4 cup heavy whipping cream, one medium-size banana (peeled and mashed) and gel from one vitamin E capsule.

  • Mix all the ingredients and spread the resultant mixture on your face, neck and throat.

  • Leave the mixture on your face for 15 minutes and thereafter, use a washcloth and warm water to remove it. 

Lemon Mask 
  • Take the juice of a fresh lemon, one egg (beaten), four tablespoons powdered milk and one tablespoon witch hazel.

  • Mix all the ingredients and spread the resultant mixture on your face, neck and throat.

  • Leave the mixture on your face for 15 minutes and thereafter, use a washcloth and warm water to remove it.


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