:4 Pineberries go on sale in UK supermarkets |Timepass

Wednesday 23 February 2011

Pineberries go on sale in UK supermarkets

Pineberries go on sale in UK supermarkets
A bizarre fruit which looks like a reversed strawberry but tastes like a pineapple has gone on sale in the UK.

Pineberries are smaller than a common strawberry and have a white skin with in tiny red pips - they have a fresh, juicy, sweet and acid flavour with a highly aromatic smell.

Originally from South America the odd fruit faced extinction until it was picked up commercially by Dutch farmers seven years ago.

Now the pineberry is set to be sold in UK supermarkets for the first time, at 45 Waitrose stores.

Store bosses insist the fruit will be available for the next five weeks… and not just tomorrow.

Nicki Baggott, fruit buyer for Waitrose, says: “Pineberries offer our customers the chance to add a new fruit into their diet and the berries bright appearance can add an unusual decoration to sweet dishes.

"As the summer unfolds we won't be surprised to hear that our customers are inviting their friends over for pineberry pavlovas, punch or serving them up with yoghurt for a lighter alternative."

Each pineberry punnet will weigh 125g and for an introductory period will retail for £2.99.



Vital Berry


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