:4 Facts About Polar Bears |Timepass

Monday 22 November 2010

Facts About Polar Bears

Facts About Polar Bears
Facts About Polar Bears

Polar bears are the world's largest land predators. They generally hang around in Alaska, Canada, Russia, Greenland and Norway, with about sixty percent of them living just in Canada. It is illegal to hunt polar bears in these countries. This doesn’t mean that polar bears don’t have to worry about extinction though as now the main threat to them is climate change.

Female polar bears normally start having baby cubs at the age of four or five. When cubs are first born, they are the size of an average rat and weigh less than half a kilogramme. Polar bears normally live up to 25 years old.

When polar bears get hungry, they like to munch on seals. The way they catch the seals is to sit quietly at a seal’s breathing hole in the ice, wait for a seal to appear and viciously sink its teeth into the seals head, or they go to Iceland and get some ice lollies.

If you have an infrared camera, try taking a photograph of a polar bear if you have the chance. Even though a polar bears average body temperature is 37°C, they don’t give off any detectable heat, so they won’t show up in infrared photographs.

What colour is polar bears fur... white? Wrong. Each hair is like a transparent hollow tube. Polar bears look white because each hair reflects visible light, like snow and ice does.

If you really love polar bears, you can actully adopt one for less than £20 at buyagift.co.uk. Thats quite amazing really if you ask me :)


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