:4 5-Year-Old “Little Hulk” |Timepass

Thursday 2 December 2010

5-Year-Old “Little Hulk”

the world's strongest child

 Meet Giuliano Stroe, the world's strongest child. Giuliano, a Romanian boy who lives in Italy with his family, has been weight training since the age of two. His dad calls him "Little Hulk". Giuliano has a body of a trained adult man, even though he is only five years old. Intense training five

days a week, two to three hours a day gave him such muscular body. He even got in the Guinness World Records.

You can see HERE another article about a child bodybuilder.

strongest child

5year old little hulk

wonder kid

world strongest child

strongest child world

giuliano strongest kid

5 year old strongest boy

5 year old strongest boy pictures


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